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Children's bedrooms


After over 50 years of great tradition, passion and dedication, ZG Mobili has established itself in the world: 2 thousand points of sale and 50 agencies throughout the country, dealers present in numerous European and non-European countries.
Attention to quality, design, customization of compositions and final customer service are fundamental prerequisites for all companies that intend to collaborate with the Company's activity and contribute to its development.

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Marka presents a collection of bedrooms designed for children who are always on the move, with the unmistakable style and design of the MOVIDA program.
Spaces designed with care and love where children can play and read independently, freely and in complete safety.
JUMP, move every day, light, happy, like clouds.


Dearkids is a company that has been designing and manufacturing children's bedrooms for over forty years.
Generation after generation has followed the changes in taste, the changing needs for space, the growing desire to experience the night space during the day, transforming these inputs from the world of children and their parents into products that follow the principles of creativity and of quality.

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